Robo-Advisors vs. Human Advisors

If an investor chooses a non-human financial advisor, what price could they end up paying? Investors have a choice today that they did not have a decade ago. They can seek investing and retirement planning guidance from a human financial advisor or put their invested assets in the hands of a robo-advisor – a software program [...]


How Much Will You Spend When You Retire?

You may have heard that people spend less once they are retired. Statistically, that is true. The question is whether a retiree has enough income to meet his or her expenses. Ideally, retirees should be able to live comfortably on 70-85% of their end salaries and draw their retirement fund down no more than 4-5% [...]


Do Our Attitudes About Money Help or Hurt Us?

Our relationship with money is complex and emotional. When we pay a bill, go to the mall, trade in a car for a new one, hunt for a home or apartment, or pass someone seemingly poor or rich on the street, we feel things and harbor certain perceptions. Are our attitudes about money inherited? They [...]


Good Retirement Savings Habits Before Age 40

You know you should start saving for retirement before you turn 40. What can you start doing today to make that effort more productive, to improve your chances of ending up with more retirement money, rather than less? Structure your budget with the future in mind. Live within your means and assign a portion of [...]


Money Habits That May Help You Become Wealthier

Why do some households tread water financially while others make progress? Does it come down to habits? Sometimes the difference starts there. A household that prioritizes paying itself first may end up in much better financial shape in the long run than other households. Some families see themselves as savers, others as spenders. The spenders [...]


Could Social Security Really Go Away?

Will Social Security run out of money in the 2030s? For years, Americans have been warned about that possibility. Those warnings, however, assume that no action will be taken to address Social Security’s financial challenges. Social Security is being strained by a giant demographic shift. In 2030, more than 20% of the U.S. population will [...]


Retirement Blindspots

We all have a “blue sky” vision of the way retirement should be, yet it helps to plan for retirement with a little pragmatism. Unforeseen circumstances may alter the course of our retirement in ways we do not currently anticipate. So as we plan for the next act of life, we may want to think [...]


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