Establish Your Gospel Legacy

Make an eternal impact by naming your church or other ministry in your will or estate plan! An important part of our Christian heritage in America is that we are provided opportunities for making gifts to charitable causes. Establishing a Christian will or estate plan is a great place to start! It can help you maximize personal [...]


Robo-Advisors vs. Human Advisors

If an investor chooses a non-human financial advisor, what price could they end up paying? Investors have a choice today that they did not have a decade ago. They can seek investing and retirement planning guidance from a human financial advisor or put their invested assets in the hands of a robo-advisor – a software program [...]


Keeping All This Volatility in Perspective

Fall might be anything but calm on Wall Street. Volatility is back, in a big way: the CBOE VIX has risen more than 105% since the end of July. Additionally, 11 of the 15 trading days ending September 9 were “all or nothing” days in which more than 80% of the S&P 500 moved either [...]


Saving Early & Letting Time Work for You

As a young investor, you have a powerful ally on your side: time. When you start saving and investing for retirement in your twenties or thirties, you can put it to work for you. The effect of compounding is huge. Most people underestimate it, so it is worth illustrating. We will use reasonable annual return [...]


What Does the Devalued Yuan Mean for the U.S.?

China has surprised global investors by weakening the yuan almost 5%. Its central bank may even weaken it further.1,5 Why did the PRC make this move? Its long-booming economy is in a slump. Most notably, Chinese exports have taken a major fall. In July, they were down 8.3% year-over-year. By depreciating the yuan, China is [...]


Live church seminar events and ministries to help Christians establish a Biblical framework for everyday financial decisions

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